Translation of countermark into Spanish and French
Starting today, we will be publishing a series of posts aimed at simplifying complex numismatic terms and providing their translations into different languages. Sometimes, a technical term may have a direct translation in another language, while in some cases, a brief description may be necessary if there is no exact translation available.
To find these terms, we have had to cross-check numerous entries from companies and auctions worldwide. Therefore, extensive research backs them up.
What is a countermark?
Countermarks are stamped or punched impressions that add design elements to a coin after it was originally struck. They are often found on Roman provincial coins, which were issued by local authorities in the provinces of the Roman Empire. Countermarks were applied to coins for various reasons, such as revalidation, revaluation, devaluation, propaganda, or celebration. Countermarks can depict heads, busts, figures, animals, objects, letters, or monograms. They can also have different shapes, such as circular, oval, square, triangular, or shaped according to the object depicted. Countermarks are a fascinating and enigmatic aspect of ancient numismatics, as they can reveal information about the political, economic, and social history of the regions where they were used.
Coin collecting and countermarks
Coin collectors are interested in countermarks, as they can provide valuable information about the history and culture of the regions where the coins circulated. Countermarks are also a challenge to identify and classify, as there are thousands of different types, many of which are unrecorded or poorly documented. Some coin collectors specialize in countermarked coins, and books, websites, and forums are dedicated to this topic. Countermarked coins can also be more affordable than unmarked coins of the same type, as some collectors often consider them less attractive or less pure. However, countermarks can also add to the rarity and appeal of a coin, especially if they are well-preserved and visible. Countermarks are a fascinating and enigmatic aspect of ancient numismatics, and they can offer a glimpse into the past that is not available from other sources.

Countermarked Spanish dollars
There are countermarked Spanish dollars, also known as "piece of eight" ("real de a 8" in Spanish), issued by various authorities in different regions and periods.
One example of countermarked Spanish dollars is the Bank of England dollars, issued between 1797 and 1804. The Bank of England acquired a large quantity of Spanish dollars from the East India Company and other sources and countermarked them with the head of King George III in an oval. The countermark was intended to give the coins legal tender status in Britain and to prevent them from being exported or melted down. The countermarked dollars had a value of 4 shillings and 9 pence and were widely circulated during the period of the Bank Restriction Act, which suspended the convertibility of banknotes into gold.

Translation of countermark into Spanish and French
Countermarks translate into Spanish as "Resello" (literally, 'double stamp'). A person who countermarks a coin is a "resellante" and (to) countermark is "Resellar".
The French translation of countermark is more similar to the English one. It is contramarque. A countermarked coin is 'Monnaie contremarquée'.
We hope you found it useful. We will be back soon with more translations of numismatic and numismatic terms.